Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Don't Cage Me In

The question is, who the hell do I think I am.

We've covered this, I'm an Okie. I'm proud of it. I like those folks and what they stand for but I seem to be getting just a little confused. I can't really tell you when it started but I'll tell you when I realized that something was happening.

I was standing in the grocery store in front of the egg cooler, looking for my eggs. They where out. I have never seen a grocery without an ample supply of eggs unless it's Easter Eve. More importantly is the kind of eggs I buy. They are easily a dollar per dozen more than the regular eggs and there where PLENTY of regular eggs, so what the hell! 

That was a bit of a tangent, sorry. Anyway, I was paralysed. I was standing in front of the egg cooler mentally debating the two options of no eggs and going to another grocery store. I was also hating both ideas with a passion when this women walks up and picks up a carton of regular eggs. An alarm went off in my head like a damn tornado siren. There was another option that I hadn't even considered. I could pick up the regular eggs like most of the population of the United States uses. I looked at the eggs, pursued the containers and I just couldn't do it. Now even just that one time. 

Now ya'll it would be dang shame if I was spreading a blanket of generalization over the population of Oklahoma. I certainly don't intend to, but when I say "we" don't do that or "we" do this I'm thinking of my mom, my grandmas and everyone else I was raised around. Standing in front of the egg cooler having my epiphany I could hear my grandma saying, "an egg's an egg. Don't you waste the gas going to another store."

Now here is the crux of the matter, I buy cage free eggs. I watched an episode of Dirty jobs with Mike Rowe where he was working in a chicken egg farm. It was gross, but that's not a big thing. I got a good look as how the big outfits house their livestock and I was just shocked. I know people who raise chickens and they would never treat them like that. I don't care if it's the dumbest damn animal on the planet a life crammed in a little cage with no space to even pace is not acceptable. So I buy cage free eggs. I know that the eggs are often dirtier. I know that improvement of lifestyle is debatable, but this is the choice I've made because free range eggs are not readily available. I don't think you need to choose the same. I don't think the government should outlaw battery cages for raising chickens (which is a law passed in California in 2008 causing chicken farms to move or shut down and the population to buy an out of state product, Brilliant Legislation). 

Anywho, that was the beginning. I'm getting weirder and weirder every year. By 2015 I'll either have my own damn chicken coop (which makes me an Okie to the core) or be vegan and I think we all know which way that breeze blows. 

Do me a favor, don't tell my Grandma...

For now, I'm gonna go marinate some steaks for dinner and get the potatoes ready for baking. 

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